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UK Mortgage Approvals Reach Three-Month High
UK Mortgage Approvals Reach Three-Month High 伦敦
By   Internet
  • 都市报
  • UK Mortgages
  • Housing Market
  • UK Home Loans
Abstract: According to the latest data, mortgage approvals in the UK reached a three-month high in October, exceeding economists' expectations and suggesting a potential turnaround in the housing market.

Many experts attribute the growth in mortgage approvals to a stabilizing trend in mortgage interest rates. The Bank of England's base interest rate has remained at 5.25% since August, boosting confidence among mortgage lenders and enabling them to offer more competitive rates.

Banking statistics indicate that the loan-to-value ratio for a 2-year fixed-rate mortgage at 60% has decreased from 6.2% in July to 5.5% in October, further bolstering buyer confidence. This means that homebuyers can secure loans at more favorable rates, reducing the overall cost of purchasing a home.

UK Mortgage Approvals Reach Three-Month High

Some industry experts suggest that this growth trend may also be related to government policies. The expectation for a stamp duty reduction was not realized in the recent Autumn Statement, meaning buyers may expedite their home-buying plans before the potential increase in stamp duty in the coming year. This additional incentive has stimulated activity in the mortgage market.

However, despite reaching a new high in approvals, some experts anticipate a seasonal slowdown during the Christmas period. Buyers may temporarily postpone their home-buying plans, opting to wait until the new year. Nevertheless, with a clear upward trend in homebuying intentions, the foundation for market development in 2024 remains solid.

For ambitious buyers looking to enter the market during the holiday season, opportunities still exist. Collaborating with professional brokers can help them secure more favorable rates and position themselves advantageously as the new year begins.

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UK Mortgage Approvals Reach Three-Month High
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