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UK Rental Market Report: London Breaks £2,000 Rent Barrier for the First Time
UK Rental Market Report: London Breaks £2,000 Rent Barrier for the First Time 伦敦
By   Internet
  • 都市报
  • UK Rental Market
  • Rental Index
  • London Rents
Abstract: The UK rental market showed strong growth momentum in the first half of 2023. With economic recovery and increased activity in the property market, the performance of the rental market in the coming months will be closely watched, especially amid ongoing attention to rental trends across various regions nationwide.

The latest Goodlord Rental Index indicates significant growth in the UK rental market from May to June 2023. Data reveals that average rents rose from £1,183 to £1,225, marking a month-on-month increase of over 4%.

There were notable differences in rental growth rates between regions, with the Southwest seeing the most significant increase at a staggering 14%. The Northeast and Northwest both saw increases of 4%, collectively driving a nationwide year-on-year rental cost increase of 6.7%.

Particularly in the Southwest, rental prices saw the largest year-on-year increase, soaring from £1,191 in 2023 to £1,347, a 13% increase, highlighting strong demand and upward momentum in the rental market in that area.

UK Rental Market Report: London Breaks £2,000 Rent Barrier for the First Time


As a key market for UK rentals, London surpassed the average monthly rent of £2,000 for the first time this year, with average rents reaching £2,010 in June, a 2% year-on-year increase.

William Reeve, CEO of Goodlord, commented: "There is much debate in the market about whether rental growth rates are beginning to slow down. The next three months will be the peak period for annual rents, providing more data to validate current trends. If the current annual growth rate remains between 6-7%, we could see record-high rents across England."

He further explained: "Despite signs that the rate of increase may be slowing, market demand remains robust, which will continue to drive rents upwards in the coming months."

Alongside rising rents, vacancy rates in June significantly decreased. Statistics show that the average vacancy period reduced from 21 days in May to 17 days in June, a 19% decrease. This change indicates sustained market heat and exacerbation of the supply-demand imbalance.

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UK Rental Market Report: London Breaks £2,000 Rent Barrier for the First Time
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