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Propertymark Calls for Equality between Short-term and Long-term Rentals
Propertymark Calls for Equality between Short-term and Long-term Rentals 伦敦
By   Internet
  • 都市报
  • Short-term rentals
  • long-term rentals
  • property market
  • UK housing market
Abstract: Propertymark has long advocated for equality between short-term rentals and private long-term rentals, which would help ensure that short-term rentals meet the same standards as other rental properties and address supply issues in the private long-term rental market.

Property agency group Propertymark is calling for equality between short-term rentals and private long-term rentals to avoid further displacement of housing resources by short-term rental platforms like Airbnb.

According to data, during the period from July to September 2023, 63.6% of Airbnb guests were domestic travelers in the UK, indicating a further boost to the short-term rental market as demand for stays in the UK increases.

This growth in demand leads landlords to prefer using properties for short-term rentals, which in turn affects the private long-term rental market as finding properties available for long-term rental becomes more challenging. The government also hopes to manage the level of short-term rentals by granting more control to local authorities.

Propertymark Calls for Equality between Short-term and Long-term Rentals


Nathan Emerson, CEO of Propertymark, pointed out that achieving equality is crucial if housing resources are scarce, as inevitable rent increases will occur. Propertymark has long advocated for equality between short-term rentals and private long-term rentals, which would help ensure that short-term rentals meet the same standards as other rental properties and address supply issues in the private long-term rental market.

Short-term rentals offer homeowners greater flexibility and provide tourists with more accommodation options. However, Emerson also warns that this trend should not hinder local residents from buying or long-term leasing properties in their area. He noted that if short-term rentals continue to be inadequately controlled, it may further restrict the long-term rental market, ultimately exacerbating housing shortages.

In the current situation, Propertymark hopes the government will recognize the impact of short-term rentals on the housing market and take appropriate measures to ensure equality between the two rental models. This will help eliminate potential unfair competition and enable the long-term rental market to better meet housing needs, thereby promoting the overall health of the rental market.

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Propertymark Calls for Equality between Short-term and Long-term Rentals
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